HomeHealthKitty Invasion


Kitty Invasion — 6 Comments

  1. Oh dear, something it truly going around lately! Perhaps you stirred up a bit too much dust in the attic yesterday.

    Take care of yourself so you can better faster and have a good move. šŸ™‚

  2. Thanks. More likely something in the backyard when I was cleaning up the “wild” area. I have no known allergies, but sometimes something in the yard has negatively affected — I’ve just never been able to identify what it is.

  3. Hey there, long time no see (I’ve been busy, too!) Glad to see things are moving along and I hope you feel better soon.

  4. Shesh, don’t let Tech see that last comment of mine–he might not let me proof MBTA! šŸ˜‰

    We can develop allergies at anytime in life. One day the contact lens solution I was using was just fine, the next day it was an almost instant reaction bad enough that I had to take a sick day from work. I just count myself lucky that I don’t have the allergy problems some of my family members have to deal with.

  5. Thanks, everyone. I am feeling a little better this morning. I stopped at the clinic on the way into work and got a few things prescribed that should help knock this out.