HomeHealthRetired — For almost a week


Retired — For almost a week — 8 Comments

  1. Hey, congrats on the retirement. Enjoy! I haven’t tried the Wii fit yet, but I actually like the tennis game (I absolutely suck in real life- I either can’t hit the side of a barn or hit the stupid ball like I’m going for a home run). But if balance is your problem, may I suggest Tai Chi? The exercises are very good for increasing you balance (and lowering your blood pressure *g*), they’ve done studies and proven it.
    P.S. How’s the weather where you are? Is it hot yet? We’ve already topped 100…I’m so not looking forward to August. 🙂

  2. Hey congrats on retirement! What a wonderful thing, to have done your share and earned your time off with time and health to enjoy it — not to mention you finally have some SERIOUS writing time coming your way. Good luck with everything, especially moving into that lovely house with your hubby. 🙂

    aka katsincommand

  3. I want a Wii. I also want to read the revision of Twilight. Particularly how Hilda is doing. Does she miss me? I miss her. 🙂

  4. Thanks, everyone. Yes, Tech. Hilda misses you terribly. She’s starting to hound me about getting the revisions done so she can get back to you.

  5. I was really confused about the Hilda thing until I realized I was thinking of the Threads and Ties snippets, in which there was no Hilda! I’ll just drink some more coffee now.

    Congrats on your freedom, BTW. Ain’t it great? I hope you don’t miss the all-expense paid vacations to exotic locations too much, though. How’s Tasha settling in?

  6. EJ, I love my freedom. Yes, Hilda is a Twilight character.

    Tasha is up and down, but overall, I think she’ll be ok. It may take a year like it did with your girl.