Outline Spreadsheet Done
I finished putting the Twilight outline into the spreadsheet today. Now I can begin analyzing it with rewrite in mind.
Just for fun, here are some of the stats from the spreadsheet:
Word Count: 84455
Chapters: 26
Total Scenes: 74
Average word count per chapter: 991 (definitely not evenly spread)
Point of View (POV) characters: 7 + what I can only call Omni for 9 chat sessions
My protag (Harold) has 36 scenes
My villain (Merlin) has 24 scenes
The other 39 scenes are more or less evenly divided among the remaining 6 POVs
Statistically, other than the number of POVs, it’s not a bad picture. Some people would say that’s too many POV characters, and after analysis, I may agree with them. Actually, I agree with them now. But to reduce the number, I have to figure out how to tell the story from someone else’s viewpoint. My characters are geeks. They spend a lot of time isolated from one another.
Ah, well. That’s why I have to do some analysis and planning.
What does POV stand for?
Sorry, FF. Point of View (POV).