HomeWeb StuffWhat’s New in Your Neck of the Woods?


What’s New in Your Neck of the Woods? — 3 Comments

  1. One of the reasons I agreed to be vice chief of staff & chief of staff back at our old hospital was “material.” I soon learned that those staff meetings are deadly dull and that I wasn’t picking up anything whatsoever I could use in a story. Not even a “knowledge base.” Not even “background.” I think I squeezed two or three good blog posts out of it, and that was that.

  2. Only been a couple of stafff meetings in my life, but they were unpleasant ones where our boss explained how inadequate we really were and have gave unrealistic goals. I will say this about them: they were dramatic, but not fun.

  3. Ah. Too often in government service, these time sinks are a weekly occurrence, and, depending upon your role in the organization, you may wind up attending two or three different ones per week. Sometimes, there is valuable information disseminated, but, mostly, it keeps the boss informed on what is going on in his organization.