

Sloth — 3 Comments

  1. Have a good time in Central Texas.

    And I’m right there with you on the puter. Fwiw, stay away from the video game SPORE. It’s… engaging. Too simple for my honey but perfect for me. Dangit. lol {{hugg}}

  2. That’s exactly why I haven’t gotten started with those games. My version of your sloth is lower tech; I used to play solitaire or free cell for hours on my PDA. Since I got my Palm phone it’s the only thing I do with the PDA, but now the touch screen is so worn out that you have to tap cards three times to get them to move. My solution was to get out a deck of cards and sit on the floor to play. *grins sheepishly*

  3. Don’t mind me; I’m just checking to see if changing the e-mail address will keep me out of Moderation Hell…

    It appears to have worked! Or maybe it didn’t like that my initials were lower case.