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Sprung — 6 Comments

  1. After posting this entry, I installed the Kindle app and downloaded some free books from Amazon. They’re the Gutenberg Library versions, so they are very plain, but it’s reading material. And of course, Kindle, being monochrome, would be a very plain edition anyway (just remembered that). It all worked very smoothly.

  2. Thank you for the iPad review. I’m waiting for the 3G version because of my constant travel. I’m hoping to play with one at the Apple Store this weekend. Of course, I’m in love with my iPhone……

  3. Tammy, you can also synchronize just like a regular iPod. In fact, in some respects that might be the best way to do it, because, it appears anything you’ve downloaded wirelessly will be deleted if you synch with iTunes. I really don’t like Apple’s file management scheme for iTunes.

    Angie, my plan for that is to exchange my ATT dongle for a Verizon MiFi when my contract is up this fall.