New Rings
Hubby and I bought our wedding rings at a Montgomery Mall jewelry store shortly before our wedding in 1994. They are a white gold outer band and yellow gold inner band. Mine has been spinning on the band since shortly after we got it. This year, my two bands separated (they look ok to look at them, but the yellow gold band will slide off the white gold band), and the yellow gold band has a crack in it.
In our search for replacements, we discovered the main design is by ArtCarved–ours are clearly a knockoff of that design. They are available online from Amazon and at least one other source, and at the BX/PX. We found hubby’s size today at the Randolph BX, but I’ll have to order my replacement.
We’re trying to decide what we want to do with the old bands. When we decide we’ll probably look for a metal work artisan to work with.