Official A-Z Blogging Challenge Introduction
Rantings and Ravings of an Insane Writer is an official April A-Z Blogging Challenge participant. If you’re finding your way here from there, welcome. I have a fairly regular post schedule here already. Mondays are for photos. Saturdays are for cats. Every other Friday, I do an Imagination Prompt. I usually do this on my other blog (which is participating in the A-Z challenge unofficially), but this month, I’m going to do it here. Every other Friday from that, I do a tech stuff post. On the third Thursday of the month I do a house and property update post. All those have been plugged in, and I’ll find a way to tie them to the letter of the day when it rolls around. The other days, I’ve plugged recipes or foods into the letter. If I can find or remember the source of the recipe, I’ll link to it for the original, but most recipes I really like have been altered for our (usually my husband’s) preferences, and they may not match the linked recipe (but, still, I would think either version would be interesting, because we liked the original enough to play with). I hope you enjoy our exploration this month.