Cats: More Rossie Drama
As you know, Mr. L took Rossie and Ajax to San Antonio with him to allow him to work more one-on-one with Rossie’s socialization. She responds to him pretty well, and the house is smaller, so she has fewer hiding places down there. She also doesn’t have a lot of other cats to entertain herself with, so she is more inclined to seek human companionship at a time when she tends to play with the other cats — at night. She seeks Mr. L’s attention during the night, and he obliges by petting her.
Yesterday morning, while Mr. L was talking to me on the phone, Rossie discovered the back door leading into the garage was open, and went outside. The garage door was also open to the outside, but we suspected, since she couldn’t have been gone long before discovery and she hasn’t expressed any desire to dash through open doors and escape outside, that she was most likely curious and exploring the garage (lots of interesting hiding places there as well as access to under the house).
Mr. L searched all over and did not find her. I suspect he closed the outer garage door as soon as he discovered what must have happened. He placed food, water, and a smoothed over litter box in the garage for Rossie’s comfort. A cat appears to have walked through the litter as of Friday afternoon. Whew. We’re pretty sure she’s safe in the garage.
Mr. L is devising a method to lure her into the house. We’ll see what happens.