Cats: Sigh
It’s been an interesting week.
Dr. Valeri has come up with what she’s recommending for Lady — kitty Prozac (and after reading what it’s recommended for, Mr. L and I are both considering asking if this comes in a 50-gallon barrel because I think they all need it)
We have two prime suspects for the Litter Box Saga: Delta and Daphne (if we hadn’t caught Delta red-pawed in December, Daphne would have been my first suspect, because this did not happen until she entered the house).
Six kitties have the run of the house this weekend. Three are being boarded. We’ve escaped to Dallas for a swap meet and to see the kids.
Sneaky has forgiven us for bringing her in the house during the cold weather. She has resumed supervising our outdoor work and demanding ear rubs. But, mostly, she is “The Cat on the Mat.”
Daphne might be the cause of Delta’s stress. When she came inside, it would have disrupted the entire dominance/territory hierarchy. Is Delta one of the lower kitties in the pecking order?
That’s a definite possibility. Delta seems to be about the middle of the pack pecking order wise. Daphne, on the other hand, is intimidated by nobody. Lady will swat at her, but Daphne doesn’t let it deter her.
I also switched litter brands around the same time Daphne was released from her quarantine, and it was an unpopular switch. I tried to ease them over to the the new litter, but I may have gone too fast for some kitties. I love World’s Best Litter. Several kitties, apparently, do not. Tidy Cat was the old litter, and when we put one litter box back to straight Tidy Cat while we went away for 2.5 days, that box had received by far the most use.