Cats: More Strife
I was out of town for a few days this week, so Mr. L got to experience the Joys of Cats. Apparently, he thought I was unaware of the Joys of Cats, because he saved everything for me. The barf. The aftermath of a kitty altercation that appeared to be more extensive than usual — tension curtain rods and curtains on the floor, fur tufts, etc). The litter boxes (I expected that — fortunately, I was only gone for two and a half days). He commented that they drank water from their tower and it was almost empty. Umm. Yes. That’s how it works. It took me less than half an hour to straighten two and a half days of kitty angst.
Mr. L discovered the curtains down in the parlor bay window, saw Tarzan sitting on the trunk beneath the window and noticed Walter stretched out on the porch rail looking into the house. Maybe that’s why he waited until I got home to put the curtains back up — he wanted to let Walter see in.
Anyway. Despite the Reconcile, we are still having issues with cats. Some of that is inevitable due to a multi-cat household, but I’ve never experienced so much kitty angst before this batch of cats. Everybody seems to be ganging up on Rossie, and we haven’t been able to figure out why. (I imagine she sits in her safe place hurling epithets at the other cats at frequencies we can’t understand to make us think it’s really them picking on her when it’s really her instigating things.) On a more serious note, I know I still have a kitty with a bladder problem. It’s one of the girls, but which one? I need to find out soon to get them some help. Rossie and Daphne are our prime suspects, but we’re not sure. I need to get a sample to get tested, while I continue trying find out who is miserable. Delta was just treated for a bladder infection, but I suppose it could have resurfaced.
Boomer and Walter disappeared for a couple of days last week while the neighbor’s got a new roof put on their house. I guess they didn’t like the noise (which I didn’t notice much) or the activity level. Thankfully, they are back. I was concerned about them, but I noticed they appeared to be waiting until after dark to come around (based upon game camera evidence).
Tune in next week to see what else is going on.
Hey, Jean.
Are you saying that your DH now realizes you are not, in fact, a lady of leisure? LOL!
I sure hope you find out which kitty has the trouble and the vet can cure her.
Hi, Lyn. I’m not sure what to make of it. I think he knows that (despite commentary to the contrary).