Cats: Veterinary Care
We’re in the season when we begin rotating through routine Dr. Val visits for annual exams and shots. No, we don’t take everyone at once, although it might save us a little bit on office visit charges. Everyone is on a little bit different schedule because of when they came into the fold.
Daphne started things off last month, and Ruby, Rossie, and Delta continued this month. The good news is Rossie weighs two pounds more than last year. I believe she’s put most of that on over the last month or so since Mr. L began room service for her (feeding her under her dresser). With Lady and Daphne locked up at night, Rossie was getting out to eat more and she did put on some weight, but Tarzan and Ajax tended to pick on her sometimes, so we didn’t think she was venturing out as much as she should to go all the way downstairs to eat. We had a water tower and litter boxes upstairs where she could reach them, but food was all still downstairs. With room service, we knew she was eating regularly (Mr. L even had to raise the dresser just a little to make it easier for her to get underneath). But a two pound gain to nine pounds puts her solidly in the healthy weight range.
Natasha and Ajax go next month, followed by Tarzan and Lady in February. Sneaky closes the year out in May. If we can catch Walter, he’ll be due in August. And Boomer remains in limbo, because we haven’t even begun to try to catch him yet.
Everyone got their monthly dose of Revolution as they exited travel carriers this afternoon. Sneaky has been scarce since our return, but I hope to see her today to administer her dosage. I like Revolution, because, not only does it treat for fleas and ticks, but it covers a wide range of worms and ear mites as well.