Cats: The Outdoor Crew
Walter and Boomer are appearing on the game camera during overnight hours. At least, I think it’s Boomer. Walter is easy to discern. Boomer, not so much. It’s more that there’s a cat that isn’t Walter or Junior or Sneaky of one of the sundry other periodic visitors, and it resembles Boomer.
Sneaky and Junior are daytime regulars. Yesterday, I went outside in the morning, and Junior ran toward me. He must have realized what he’d done, because he stopped cold, turned, and ran the other way. Then he stopped and looked at me. This morning, I was petting Sneaky on the side porch steps and encouraging Junior to come to me. I didn’t have Fancy Feast, but Junior still came fairly close. He got a little too close, because Sneaky attacked him. I think Sneaky is a little possessive.
I’ve been enticing Junior with Fancy Feast, and it seems to be working. Sneaky, of course, likes Fancy Feast, too. I always make sure they both get some. I usually hold Sneaky on my lap and pet her while Junior gets his half a can. I’m placing the bowl closer and closer to me, and he comes to it readily, but if I move, he dashes away.
Today, when he dashed away, I pulled the bowl a little closer to me. Each time, he came back. Sneaky got her half can and left him a little bit, but he wouldn’t come onto the steps to get it. He did, however, go under the porch and was just behind me while I was waiting for him. I could tell he was debating how to get up to the bowl. I placed it back on the porch and walked away. By the time I was in the house, he was finishing it off.