Wednesday Wanderings: Faith
If you follow both my blogs, this is an expanded repost from yesterday. Since most of you don’t, this will be new material.
Two weeks ago, my father shared his story of faith in his church. They posted it to their YouTube channel, and now, other people have a chance to hear. To me, his message is powerful, and I want to share it with you. The link opens in a new tab. The audio is 25 minutes long. I found some humor, but there is sadness to accompany the joy of my father’s journey to faith. He’s always been a believer, but, for some reason, he never believed he was good enough. It took a remarkable child to show him the way. Please listen. I think you’ll find it worth your while.
Many of you do not know my father. He is a private man who does not talk a lot. I learned much I did not know about him listening to what he chose to share. Yet, I sort of knew it all along. As I heard the words, I could understand. I know many people who bear a similar pain, and I’d love to have them experience the freedom my father gained as he learned what I’ve known most of my life about faith. What we learn as a child impacts our lives for many years, and my father learned the wrathful side of God. I’m so thankful he found the Grace side.