Tech Stuff: Drones
What do you think of drones? Not commercial or military ones but the kind you can buy and fly around for yourself? You can find them the size of the palm of your hand or smaller all the way up to, well, I’m not sure how big they can get for private use, but I’ve seen them with a foot wide wingspan or more.
I’d like to get one with a camera so I can fly over my roof and inspect it for any damage, thus saving us from having to climb up there and look personally. They can also be a good way to get scenic videos of natural areas difficult to access any other way.
But I’ve seen my neighbor out flying one around. Maybe his has a camera, I could loan him an SD card, and he could fly it over the roofs I want to inspect and give me the chip back. Then I wouldn’t have to spend time learning how to fly the thing.
Other than fun, can you think of any practical uses for a personal drone?
Chuckle. We used to call these things “toy airplanes” and little boys had as many of them as they could afford to build.
My offhand reaction to drones is to advocate shooting them down, but I can see the utility of your idea. Maybe you’ve found a new money-making niche!