Property Update: January 2016
Back on track with the January 2016 property update. I’ve taken a few months off due to various distracting issues. With the new month, I’m getting back in the groove. It looks like the last time I did a full update was in September.
San Antonio House: The focus in San Antonio while we were down there was yard work. Mowing, gathering leaves, pruning hedges, removing dead branches.
The Ranch: We conducted our final census for the year and captured more than 11,000 photos on the game camera. In summary, the deer, hogs, raccoon, armadillos, opossum, squirrel, and rabbit populations are healthy and stable. In the case of raccoon, growing. In the spring we had a group of four adult raccoons visiting the feeder. In the fall, that became a mama and four kits. I noticed more birds at the feeder, too. I’d put bird feeders out for one census period early in the year, but the birds didn’t come. During this last census period, the birds came for the corn, including a nice pair of cardinals.
The Store: Nothing to update
The Shop: Vandals have developed a penchant for poking things through the glass in the windows at the back of the shop. Mr. L has plans to renovate all those windows but hasn’t been able to fit the task in. We purchased sheets of Plexiglas-type material. He’s cut it to fit and inserted it behind the security bars as a temporary measure.
The Detail Shop: The detail guys (not the shop owner, their boss, but the guys) asked for something to place along side the driveways so they didn’t have to work in the mud while detailing vehicles. Mr. L brought them the two pads for our old air conditioner condenser units and embedded them in the ground beside the driveway. We hope that will make their work day more pleasant and the job easier to do. We put the black trailer into the side yard fenced area — the real reason we wanted this building. We need to bring the car hauler and the motor home in from the ranch to put in there as well, but Mr. L wants to move the fence line out closer to the road first.
The Central Texas House: I’ve been tackling decluttering at a very slow pace, but I’m beginning to see improvement. I have a lot of winter yard work to do, but I have not begun yet.
Wow, Jean, you and Mr. L are such energetic folks. I especially like the phrase “gathering leaves.” We just live on a suburban lot, but it is heavy with trees–and right now it is heavy with leaves. Hank prefers to mulch the leaves & bag them in the lawnmower, but it has been so wet this autumn that there has been no mulching. There has been very little lawn mowing, even. Thank goodness winter is a time of slow growth for the grass/weeds/unidentified growing objects in the yard.
About those vandals–how about you relocate one of the game cameras. Maybe you’d get some cool footage of the pesky tykes. π
Decluttering. Sigh. What a lovely idea. Let me procrastinate on that a while. π
Grin. I gathered the leaves with the bagger on the lawn mower.
Good idea on the game cameras. I’m not sure how I’d be able to mount them to be able to get a good shot, but I’ll think on that.
Also–I love the new look of your site. Much more modern!
Thank you.