Cats: Lounging Around
All the Love Cats had a relaxing weekend. Here are Zelda, Daisy, and Nick lounging on the porch outside the parlor window this afternoon. We had 79 degree weather.
Daisy hasn’t come within arm’s reach since I took her in for her kitten exam and shots last Monday. Nick is letting me pet him more — when I’m sitting on the step and the food bowl is there. He sat and let me pet him today. I was able to get a few strokes down Zelda’s back, but she’s still not buying into the whole human interaction thing. Zelda is tremendous at licking the spoon I use to serve ProPlan, though. Nick is beginning to get the hang of it, and Daisy will come close enough when I have the spoon fully extended to eat ProPlan off the spoon. She and Nick both still try to bite the spoon. Zelda licks it like a pro.
The inside cats are lounging around as usual. Delta is avoiding me, because she had a slight infection of her conjunctiva, so I have to put a drop of antibiotic in three times a day. She does not like this. They all wish you a very Merry Christmas!