Feeling: Amused
I’m sharing a good chuckle I got after opening a piece of junk mail today. Discover is apparently branching out into the personal loan arena. For those of you who have a Discover card, I’m sorry. I suppose I should be thrilled to receive their “Invitation ID Card,” but I can only laugh.
They start out by complimenting me on my on-time payment record and overall credit history. So far, so good. Then they go on to say I could use their preferred invitation to change my higher-interest credit card balances to PAID IN FULL…
There’s only one problem. I don’t have credit card balances, and my highest credit card rate is almost one-third lower than their 24.99% rate. The fine print does mention the rate would be between 6.99% (equal to or lower than my current rates) and 24.99%, but I’m not interested in dealing with these people.
And, of course, I don’t have a balance to transfer to them anyway, so it’s not worth my time. Crunch box.