MKE: Three Sessions In To the Program
The lastest MasterKey Experience (MKE) just concluded. As a lifetime member, I dropped in now and again to the Sunday sessions. I did not faithfully adhere to the program — but when I did, I was in an overall better state of mind. The beauty of it is that the program is simple, and there are so many tools to choose from, I can always pick up where I left off to recalibrate.
In an ideal world, I’d work the program as taught three times a day and throughout the day. It’s not an ideal world, and I’m not an ideal person. I’m a better person than I was three years ago. I’m overall in a better place. I began the program with one primary focus, and that focus has become nearly effortless and so very worthwhile. I am slowly expanding the principles to include other areas of importance in my life, which means my dreams are growing larger.
MKE takes a strong commitment, but it’s well worth the time and effort. It’s customizable to any dream, and I’m beginning to apply it to my Young Living business, which serendipitously became a reality early in the first session of MKE.
I can’t recommend this enough. If your life isn’t exactly where you want it to be or on the path there, please consider opening your mind to participating in the MKE experience when the next session opens in September.