Cats: Socks and Zelda, Continued
This has been a breakthrough week for Socks. I was in San Antonio, but Mr. L reported he was even able to pet Socks before putting food in the bowl. He also was able to give Zelda a stroke or two without getting “The Look.” The Look has the “are you out of your mind to be thinking about touching me” question.
I’m back in Central Texas and I had to find out for myself. Sure enough. I was able to pet Socks before putting food in the dish, and I was able to pet him and Walter simultaneously while they weren’t eating. Count me surprised and thrilled.
Zelda is still doing a lot of ankle rubbing, and I managed to get one solid stroke down her back last night, and I didn’t get much of The Look. Zelda is trying to hard to figure out this human interaction thing, and she’s really making progress. I’m proud of both these kitties.
Scooter is even more elusive (although he’s lounging on the side porch as I type this), but I’m when I put his bowl on the ductwork he comes out to get it when I get far enough away — Cleveland works for him. I know this because I see him disappearing under the house and he’s sitting just at the edge of the house on the ductwork when I bring him his can.
In dog news, Jase rode back from San Antonio in the truck yesterday and didn’t say a word. He was also reasonably well-behaved while in San Antonio.