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I think this update went well…if you notice anything strange, please let me know.
Continue reading →I think this update went well…if you notice anything strange, please let me know.
Continue reading →I tossed my PC Magazine aside when I got it a couple weeks ago. I’m procrastinating tonight, and I began browsing. In FutureWatch, there’s a picture of the next craze in ergonomic computing–the Nethrone. It has footpegs, an ergonomic keyboard shelf, an adjustable flatscreen holder, and a reclining, vibrating chair … Continue reading →
I replaced those 70 dead words with 577 fresher ones.
Continue reading →That’s what I wrote last night on T&T, just so I’d have written some words. I erased them all tonight and cut to the chase in the scene. I hope it goes better. It’s bad enough they’re meeting over lunch, but why have them getting seated and making small talk … Continue reading →
Despite the toaster burning my bagel yesterday morning, I did manage to overcome the disappointment. Hershey managed to choke it down. I managed to mow the front yard and wash the truck. I met my neighbor across the street. Not bad, I’ve only lived here since last June. It’s a … Continue reading →
One year ago on March 7, I had PRK surgery performed on my eyes. Over the next week, I had the fuzziest vision of my life and could do little more than listen to TV (was great for following NCAA March Madness). I was one of the fortunate ones and … Continue reading →
Stacking each word up one at a time. I’m up to 53,753 now. More will follow. My body seems to be fighting off the flu, starting with choking on postnasal drip last night to feeling achey tonight. Time to power down and head for bed.
Continue reading →Major Carrol Woods, a Tuskegee Airman and former Prisoner of War spoke to one of our research seminars today, and I was fortunate to be able to listen. Major Woods presented a matter-of-fact commentary on his experiences growing up on the farm near Valdosta, Georgia. He talked about his early … Continue reading →
Setting up Jeff calling Nikki for the first time since 1979 (it’s now 1992). It’s either coming together very well or all crap. Funny how it always seems as if it’s one or the other, rarely something in the middle. On the bright side, if the first million words are … Continue reading →
Been inching along. 566 words on Saturday, 491 words on Sunday, and 144 words today. The goal is *some* words each day. Total count: 53,255. Work is busy, but that’s not a legitimate excuse for why I’m not writing at night and weekends. Not feeling great, but still not a … Continue reading →