T&T, Feb 27
Another 378 words today to bring me to a total count of 52,054.
Continue reading →Another 378 words today to bring me to a total count of 52,054.
Continue reading →368 words is better than nothing. Got it up to 51,676 today.
Continue reading →I’ve been horribly remiss in getting any writing work done this week. Tonight, I cleaned 30 pages of Twilight. I mostly did dusting and have worked through to page 136 (beginning on page 106 earlier tonight). The things I’m not getting done on this pass are the Merlin revisions and … Continue reading →
After crawling out of bed bright and early to take Hershey for a nice morning stroll, discovering it was pouring rain, crawling back into bed, and getting up a bit later, I flipped on the computer (it’s the second thing I do after getting up in the morning–use your imagination … Continue reading →
She leaves town, then has the nerve to refer to us as “the dog and the cat”! Not only that, but she said unkind things about me when she put three days of food down outside for me in the food tower this morning after breakfast and I ate most … Continue reading →
Another 680 words today. They’re slithering out of my fingers, but I think they’re hibernating like snakes–all balled up in some dark corner. I’ll be gone for a couple of days. Any posts for the next couple of days will be either the dog or cat. Pay them no mind.
Continue reading →Got somewhere today. 1204 words. For the first time in almost twelve years, Jeff and Nikki have spoken.
Continue reading →Tam makes it so simple. And, frankly, I think that’s why I was stalled with T&T. I had ten years to kill and no worthwhile conflict to help the time fly. I didn’t get any writing done this morning, but I did find a solution to no conflict. Maybe Tambo’s … Continue reading →
A whopping 207 words. It was all I could do to sleep and read fiction today. I was pretty much useless for anything else. Not sure why I’m tired and achey, but I am. It will either go away or get worse.
Continue reading →Got a bit of a jumpstart tonight. I managed to get 826 words typed out, bringing me to 49,217 words. Cole made her first appearance tonight. She’s eleven now, and her dad gave her a notebook to record her thoughts in. If this continues, Cole’s voice will be in the … Continue reading →