I got leaves raked this morning–still need to bag them and haul to the street. Other than that, I feel achey, tired, and generally crummy. Spent a lot of time napping today. Guess I need some rest.
Continue reading →I got leaves raked this morning–still need to bag them and haul to the street. Other than that, I feel achey, tired, and generally crummy. Spent a lot of time napping today. Guess I need some rest.
Continue reading →I usually write the first draft of the novel through to the end. With Threads & Ties, I’m taking a different tack. Why? This time I have someone providing feedback as I go, and, at the halfway point, I’ve had a number of legitimate flaws pointed out to me. I … Continue reading →
Had a good holiday. Hope yours was, too.
Continue reading →While She’s off to the great soon-to-be-white North, She’s leaving me behind to watch the house. I’m groovin’ on basketball still. The Spurs are hot–well hotter than they usually are at the beginning of the season. I’m watching them on Yahoo! Sports Game Channel now, because She found a way … Continue reading →
655 words. Not a lot, but I like them. We’ll see if they hold up over time.
Continue reading →Just a little section to bring Jeff and Nicole chronologically to the same point in their lives as Nikki. They have frustrations of their own, though.
Continue reading →I needed to finish out the scene. I think I’ve found a comfortable stopping place.
Continue reading →NaNo 2005 is complete. Three days earlier than last year. I can’t believe how quickly words rolled off my fingers today. Nikki hit rock bottom today. I guess looking at your 30th birthday and realizing you’re everyone’s sex toy will to that for you. Before that, Jeff experienced Nicole’s first … Continue reading →
Long day. Meant to stop at 43.5k, but I had a spurt of words pop out, so I figured I better catch them while they were flowing. In case you’re counting, that was 5143 words for today. I’ll get as many as I can tomorrow. 5845 to reach 50k. It’s … Continue reading →
I tapped out 2187 words today to slightly exceed my 2k per day goal. I achieved 50k during last year’s NaNo on November 23rd. I’m beginning to wonder if I could beat that date this year. I have a couple unrelated things to do this weekend, but I can put … Continue reading →