Back on Twilight Revisions
I pulled out “the next 20k” of Twilight revisions tonight and began typing in the changes I identified. In the first nine pages, I cut 50 words. I also noticed I use a lot of “some.” I’ll look for those little gems and begin eliminating them. I’d say that’s a major weasel word.
Page 10 has a note for a major revision on it. Of course, I’ve left it until later for me to figure out. I think “later” comes “tomorrow.”
Weasel word – LOL.
Do you revise on a hard copy or the computer?
So far I’ve been revising on the computer, but I just bought a printer and I’m going to revise then next one on a hard copy. I just hate using so much paper, and I’ve been resisting so far, but I’ve given up.