C: Connections
I’m talking about two types of connections here. First, there is the Digital Connections bonus course, which is designed to take you from clueless about blogging and social media to at least a minimum level of competence but more likely to a very comfortable level of competence using mostly free tools. They offer a turn key blog package (not free) to get you into a self-hosted blog if you’re not comfortable navigating that pathway yourself.
Second, there are the connections you can make with the course participants. A Guide is assigned to everyone who can help with navigating the course. You’re never on your own. But you can use the alliances and the the act of visiting course participants blogs to find kindred souls, which provides the opportunity to make connections between real people whose lives you can enrich and who can enrich your life. In fact, you’ll have to find at least one person in the course you can relate to (or someone outside of the course willing to work with you) as a course requirement (but don’t worry, that isn’t for several months into the course).
We’re in for a fun ride this month. You can only stop in for a day? Afraid you won’t find your way back during the challenge? Then please sign up for this email list now which will provide several weeks of preliminary related materials to the Master Keys course and also put you on the early notification list for when the course opens up in September. Signing up to the list earns you a free copy of the 7 Day Mental Diet. Please believe me when I say there is Nothing Like It.
I went into blogging totally clueless and learned as I went. It was an extremely steep learning curve and I’m still learning all the time. Going self hosted, and doing the move on my own was a huge step for me. I was nervous but I’m glad I did it because if I had someone else do it for me, I’d still be no further forward because I wouldn’t have learned anything. I can see the benefit of taking a course though, I imagine I would have had a lot more views etc early on
Being self-taught has a lot of value. I remember when I moved to self-hosted. That was a big step, but I’m so glad I did it.
Happy A to Z Challenge
And C U Soon, lol,
Juneta @ Writer’s Gambit