NaNo Day 2: 10,106
I guess that’s good enough for today. I’m working on Chapter 12.
Continue reading →I guess that’s good enough for today. I’m working on Chapter 12.
Continue reading →I’m certain that’s more words than I’ve written all year. I’ve also burned through nine chapters, and, of course, they’re all too short except for one. If I had the chapters at full length, I’d have over 17,000 words by now. Wouldn’t that be nice? But, really, I’m quite pleased … Continue reading →
I like to get a jump on the word count before heading for bed, and tonight I laid down 2,118 words. Time to turn in, and I’ll log some more tomorrow.
Continue reading →Yes, it’s a really bad working title, but there it is. For now, the NaNo Category Romance will be called Something’s Fishy — at least until I can think of something better. Here’s a rough working synopsis: Mallory Luoma wants to belong in her adopted small town. She volunteers to … Continue reading →
Sunday is rapidly approaching, and that means NaNoWriMo kicks off. I want to be ready to write. I have 31 scenes on Scrivener notecards. The plan is for those scenes to average about 1900 words each. Last night, I read through the printout while watching the Spurs lose in Chicago … Continue reading →
National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) is just around the corner. Are you ready? Have you remembered to renew your information from last year? What are you working on? This year, thanks to Valerie, I’m doing a category romance. I haven’t done as much preparation as I’d hoped, but I have … Continue reading →
Something. I’m going to be scarce for the next few weeks. I’ll be playing chauffeur on the Great Northeast Adventure. No. No. It’s not that bad. Hubby is programming things I want to do as well. I’m going to try to catch up with a few friends — old and … Continue reading →
I’m still working on laying out plans for the NaNo novel — the category romance. I’ve placed the other novel in the background and will begin looking at it. Hubby and I are pondering some changes in the household — good ones, don’t worry. You may or may not hear … Continue reading →
While in San Antonio, I fired up QuickPlot on the laptop (WinXP, so no Scrivener). After doing the story arc math from Jennifer Crusie’s RWA Handout posted over at Argh Ink and plugging it in, I began transferring my notes I’d printed from Scrivener before leaving Central Texas. The first … Continue reading →
I’ve been struggling with Twilight revisions, so I’m going to set it aside for now. I’ve reached the point where I feel as if it just needs to die, and that’s not a positive position to be working from. So looking at fresh ideas seems a better use of my … Continue reading →