Cats: Indoor-Outdoor Cat “News”
We’ve experienced an interesting week.
First, an update on an unpleasant topic: Tarzan’s irritable bladder. After we clearing the infection, we began treating him with Adequan. This is, as I understand it, a hyaluronic acid formula, and studies have shown it soothes a kitty’s bladder, preventing repeat problems, which result in inappropriate urination. Naturally, I want to avoid that, but I also want to avoid having a kitty in pain or discomfort. This treatment started out weekly for four weeks, then went to bi-weekly for four sessions (two months, if you’re counting), and he’s just reached the stage where we’re shifting to once monthly. I’m not certain if this will be an indefinite maintenance period or if it will stop after four months. Either way, at $21 per injection, it’s a small price to pay to keep Tarzan’s bladder happy. When we go for the September injection, I plan to have them show me how to do it, then I’ll be able to administer the injections at home.
Since we’ve been doing this, we’ve had no more problems with inappropriate urination in the house attributable to a male cat. We solved the inappropriate urination attributable to a female cat by putting Rossie in the cage and only letting her out for supervised time.
Which brings us to a Rossie update. This is her big breakthrough this week:
Sometimes, when released from me picking her up and petting her, she does not immediately run behind the cage to her hiding place. She is also getting better at “being a cat” and interacting with the other cats. This may sound funny, but the first couple of times we watched her trying to interact with Tarzan, she was very awkward. Tarzan tolerated her to a point, then he disciplined her. She has done better with Ajax, whom she adores, and she even came out from behind the cage in some basic interaction while Lady was in the room. She has a long way to go, but we’re seeing positive incremental improvement. While we were in San Antonio, she got to spend time in the garden window, where she relaxes:
We’ve not had to chase her as much to handle her. She’s begun stretching toward us to be petted. I guess we should have done this a year ago.
Lady has been most demanding for attention but is still doing pretty well with her interaction with the other cats. Ruby, Delta, Ajax, and Daphne are all fine.
I’ve seen Boomer on the game camera, but our morning Fancy Feast party attendees remain Sneaky, Junior, and Walter. Sneaky is getting protective of not only her Fancy Feast but her humans. She’s a jealous girl.
Junior and Mr. L are working well together. Mr. L was able to use both hands to lift Junior onto the steps. I’m hopeful we’ll be able to scoop him into a carrier soon so he can be taken in and tested for FIV. If he passes that test (I’m hopeful, because he shows no signs of being infected), he needs to be neutered and vaccinated before coming back home to be released.
I’ve been working with Walter, who has been on the ductwork wanting Fancy Feast every morning this week, and I’ve been able to pet him every morning. We’re working on our people manners, but he’ll come around. As you may recall, I trapped Walter last summer, so he’s been neutered and vaccinated, but he’s due for his annual exam and fresh vaccinations. I hope to be able to pop him into a carrier soon to get that taken care of. Want to see pictures of Walter? He’ll be featured in Monday’s Photo post, so come on back.