D is for Darkness
We need light for the colors I showed yesterday, but darkness has it’s value. There are people, my husband is one, who shut down without light. They just don’t function. They get depressed. They wan to go to bed. They have trouble accomplishing things. They need the light to function.
Then, there’s me. I do okay during the day. Light has a lot of value. Don’t get me wrong, but I find darkness relaxing and freeing. I love to walk in the late evening. Back when I could still run, I’d get up at three thirty in the morning, do my run, and come back to bed for an hour before having to get up and go to work. Years ago, it helped me deal with stress in my life. Now, I’m a happier more relaxed person (I think being retired helps that), I find I don’t need to wander the darkness so much to find a centering place.
I’m more like your husband, Jean. We’ve had a string of dark days here in Michigan. Today – HEY – the sun is out! I think I’ll take Lucy for a long walk. Soak up some of that Vitamin D my body is so sorely lacking (literally), naturally, as well as in pill form. Certainly can’t hurt.
My sister is a night owl. I do get more done in the quiet when all are asleep, for sure. 😉 Guess it’s a tradeoff.
You just can’t beat natural Vitamin D! I hope you get yourself a good dose today, Chris!
This is why I wish I were as tireless as when I was younger. Light really improves my mood, but my natural instinct for the most productive hours is 11 p.m. to 2 or 3 a.m. Kind of hard to do both, especially with a family around.
Never gone running that early, though — I think 5:30 was the earliest I did, back when I lived in Berkeley. Maybe I should try that again — get up early to get it done before I have to get the kids ready for school. It would mean giving up staying late into the dark, though.