HomeWritingA - Z ChallengeD is for Darkness


D is for Darkness — 3 Comments

  1. I’m more like your husband, Jean. We’ve had a string of dark days here in Michigan. Today – HEY – the sun is out! I think I’ll take Lucy for a long walk. Soak up some of that Vitamin D my body is so sorely lacking (literally), naturally, as well as in pill form. Certainly can’t hurt.

    My sister is a night owl. I do get more done in the quiet when all are asleep, for sure. 😉 Guess it’s a tradeoff.

    • You just can’t beat natural Vitamin D! I hope you get yourself a good dose today, Chris!

  2. This is why I wish I were as tireless as when I was younger. Light really improves my mood, but my natural instinct for the most productive hours is 11 p.m. to 2 or 3 a.m. Kind of hard to do both, especially with a family around.

    Never gone running that early, though — I think 5:30 was the earliest I did, back when I lived in Berkeley. Maybe I should try that again — get up early to get it done before I have to get the kids ready for school. It would mean giving up staying late into the dark, though.