Another NaNo is in the can. Officially, 50,057 words.

I still don’t know the story, but I know the characters a whole lot better than when I started. Clearly, the time is not right for this story, but someday, after some incubation, maybe it will be.
Wow! You ROCK!!! Have you collapsed yet? 😛
No time. I promised somebody I’d read their story. 🙂
Woo-hoo!! What a terrific finish! I’m still short but should hit by the end of the week.
LOL Reading can be done from a collapsed position 😛
Yeah!!!!!! Wow, you really brought it in from behind, and five days early!
Way to go, Jean!!!
Congrats!!!! Yay, Jean!
Wahoo! Congratulations, Jean! 🙂
Congrats Jean!! Way to go!!
Yayyy, Jean!!! Way to go!
Yay, Jean! Congrats! That’s awesome! 🙂
Thank you.
Congratulations! That’s more words than the research paper from my Masters Degree… yikes!