Fresh & Interesting Material
That’s right! I completely forgot I’m supposed to think up “fresh and interesting stuff” every day. I’m sorry–all you’ve been getting is dull, dry NaNo word counts. Something else must have been happening, right? I suppose it has. I’ll see if I can find anything…
My dog has been ecstatic about taking his daily walks. I knew you couldn’t wait to hear that, but he, before the weather turned chilly today, would sit outside the window near where I write and groan and whine and generally chew me out for not taking him for his walk when he thought I should.
Ohio State won last Saturday. Wisconsin lost to Iowa (I’m always torn between these two, but it was Barry Alvarez’s last home game, sheesh). Those are my Big Ten teams. Penn State still hasn’t lost except to Michigan. Who let them in the Big Ten anyway? (Shakes head)
Thanksgiving (for Americans) is right around the corner. Have you given any thought at all to what you’re thankful for? Try to find a moment to reflect upon that in between food shopping binges–and don’t forget the people less fortunate than you. If you’re less fortunate, I hope for a better year for you and yours.
Don’t forget the folks in South Florida, many of whom are still without power after Hurricane Wilma. You haven’t heard about them in the news, but they’re making do and persevering.
Consider checking out Major K’s site where he has a post on behalf of Soldier’s Angels.
If you don’t check out Blackfive on a regular basis, you’re missing some positive reality. Pay special attention to his “Someone You Should Know” series. You will be awed and humbled. If you’re not, I’m sorry for you.
Food for thought for you while I return to my dry NaNo counts.