Hello, 2012!
Shiny new years are so much fun. Filled with hope and dreams. 2012 is no different.
Here are some of my “Big Rocks”:
February: Help my folks move into their new house — excited for them that after a number of years, they are home owners again
April: Hubby celebrates 3/4 of a century on this earth. Pretty exciting stuff.
May: Grand Tour 2012. Our Amtrak trip from San Antonio to LA to Seattle to Chicago, and back to SA. We have stops planned in LA with a side trip to San Diego. We’ll overnight in Seattle. We’ll exit the train in Sandpoint, ID, so I get a chance to finally meet up with Valerie and her family while hubby remains in Sandpoint relaxing for the weekend. We’ll get back on the train and off in Chicago and visit the Iowa location of Antique Archeology and spend a weekend with my folks before catching another train back to San Antonio.
May/June: Granddaughter and nephew graduate from high school.
October: The annual trek to Hershey, PA, and Lanternvention 2012.
Year-long big rocks:
I’m still revising Polar Bear on the Loose. Once again, my goal is to finish this revision this year.
Study writing craft and practice it in small exercises — maybe work on some short story writing?
Overall personal health and fitness
Various property projects that are ongoing in Central Texas and San Antonio.
Smaller rocks:
Once again, I have a goal of reading 50 books this year.
I’m reading Durant’s History of Civilization — a bunch of volumes; it will take me years to read it, but it’s filling a huge hole in my education.
I’m reading The Federalist Papers by email subscription.
Declutter office and library
Photograph and inventory Fenton thumbprint glassware
Those are the larger rocks for the year. I should be plenty busy. How about you? What are your plans for 2012? If you’ve already posted, feel free to post a link.
Looking forward to meeting you in May! 😀
Same here!