It turns out we have a third cat eating from our feeder.
How did we discover this? Mr. L thought he saw Sneaky under the trailer in the driveway, but she was on the back porch. Oh, that must be Walter. No. Walter is on the side porch steps. There’s a THIRD cat! (pictured above)
Now, I’m studying game camera photos to try to discern the difference. There have been times when Walter’s head seemed larger. Now, I have to wonder if those are the times I was seeing the third cat. Walter’s “bib” is lighter and more silvery in color. The third cat’s “bib” is more tan. Walter has a distinctively ringed tail with a larger dark tip. This cat’s tail tip isn’t as large, and his rings are slightly less distinct. Walter has a silvery patch at the base of his tail on the right side. In different camera lighting, Walter doesn’t look as silvery, so the greater difference appears to be the two kitty’s undercoats.
Is the third cat the neighbor’s cat, Henry? I’ve been introduced to Henry, but I can’t remember if this cat could be him or not. It isn’t the cat I call Daddy Cat who lives kitty corner across the street behind us. Mysteries, mysteries.