Time again for the property update for April, 2016. I do not have a new knee. Mr. L’s doctor needed to try a few things for him. I’m not sure what his doctor has planned when we see him again in May, but, thankfully, Mr. L is feeling much better at this time.
San Antonio House: I was able to bag a few leaves and trim the front hedge.
The Ranch: The big news from the ranch is we cleared three fallen trees and brought the tractor into town. I retrieved the game camera photos for the first census for the year. Lots of hogs and raccoons and the real treat was seeing the bobcat twice. We cleared the path of two fallen trees to get to the point you see below. If you look closely, you can see a tree has fallen across the tractor, and there is one in front of it.

Here’s the tractor with the trees and other debris cleared away. It’s ready to be pulled from it’s perch and loaded onto the trailer. It took us about four hours to get to this point, so we stopped for the day.
Here’s the tractor about the make the turn around the end of the motor home. I’m at the back of the trailer to take the photo.

The tractor is almost loaded. Getting it pulled out with come-alongs, loaded, and back to town took about six hours.

And finally, off the trailer, in the shop, and ready to be worked on:

With the debris from the trees, I was able to make two brush shelters for wildlife.

The Store: I got the grass mowed.
The Shop: Mr. L did some pick up and put away. We need to get onto a ladder and clear the roof drains. The neighbor was having brush cleared from the back of the lot next to us, and Mr. L had them take out a couple trees that were too close to the building.
The Detail Shop: Nothing new.
The Central Texas House: I got the lawn mowed, but it needs it again. Lots of rain means everything grows. Some generic decluttering has been getting done.
That’s the property update for April, 2016. What do you think will happen in May?