This is A Test

If you are a subscriber to this blog, you will receive this post twice. What should happen is you should get it first from the AWeber autoresponder. Then, you’ll get the second post from the Mail Chimp autoresponder (6:00 am). I’m testing to make sure I want to complete the switch from AWeber to MailChimp, and you guys are my guinea pigs.

I was also unsure exactly how to configure the template in Mail Chimp (there is a learning curve). You guys are a small, resilient group. I hope this duplication will only happen once. The Mail Chimp sending, ideally, will go well, and I can turn off the AWeber broadcast. I may wind up playing with the template a few times until I get it right.

Since you all verified you wanted to be on this list once, I imported you to the MailChimp to save you from having to jump through administrative hoops needlessly. If you’ve changed your mind about wanting to receive these, feel free to use the “unsubscribe” or “modify my preferences” link at the bottom of the email. Thanks for your patience as I figure this out.

Month 20 – Thriving on Chaos

As you read this, we’re in the process of manifesting more of my DMP, which means the likelihood of us being in utter chaos is high. I’m writing this in advance, anticipating what will be when you’re reading this. Utter chaos, of course, is an exaggeration. This trip has been well-planned because that’s more than half the fun of traveling — the anticipation and planning. We’re somewhere between Sacramento and Reno as you read this, depending on the time of day, and assuming you’re reading it on the day it’s published. If you’re reading at a later time, all bets are off, but I can tell you with confidence if we’re on Amtrak, we’re having a great time. And I’m still contemplating what the “next level” of my DMP is going to be.

Month 19 — April, 2017

Correction: that should be Month 19. I’m getting a little ahead of myself.  I’ve been getting my services completed faithfully. It’s uplifting to read them each week and know they are getting done. “Do it now” shines through on a regular basis. I have “The Gal in the Glass” memorized and can recite it each night. So far, only the first paragraph of the Blueprint Builder “rolls” off my tongue. In the past, committing words to memory was not my strong point, so while I know I’m not going to get it fast, I will get i

I’m still pondering my DMP update.It doesn’t need much, but I believe a tweak is in order. Lots to ponder as I prepare for Year Three.

Year 2 Commencement

Now that the second year is complete and I’m embarking on the second summer of continuation, I’m going to modify my MKMMA blog posting schedule. Instead of weekly posting, I’m going to plan a mid-month posting. I’ll still do an MKE post on the first Thursday of the Month over at Philosophical Meanderings, Too.

Some things I plan to work on for the summer:

  • I need to continue interviews for my Virtual Council. I got off track over this past year, and I’d like to get back to that.
  • My Sits have become too irregular, so I want to get them back into a rhythm. Oddly, when I had to spend more time in my recliner for my cracked patella, I found less time to Sit. This is strange, because the recliner had been my go-to place for Sits, so I find it ironic that sitting reduced my Sits.
  • It’s time for a re-evaluation of my DMP. Quite a bit has been manifesting, so it’s time for another look at it. Is it good as is, does it need tweaking, or does it need a complete rewrite? We’ll see.

Happy Summer!


Week 2-24 – Law of Least Effort

The Law of Least Effort. Acceptance. Responsibility. Defenselessness.

Acceptance. I practice acceptance. Today I accept people, situations, circumstances, and events as they occur. I know that this moment is as it should be, because the whole universe is as it should be. I do not struggle against the whole universe by struggling against this moment. My acceptance is total and complete. I accept things as they are in this moment, not as I wish they were.

I’ve thought I’m pretty good at this. Every once in a while something will trip me up in the acceptance realm, but, generally speaking, I practice acceptance pretty well.

Responsibility. Having accepted things as they are, I take responsibility of army situation and for all those events I see as problems. I know taking responsibility means not blaming anyone or anything for my situation (and this includes myself). I also know that every problem is an opportunity in disguise, and this alertness to opportunities allows me to take this moment and transform it into a greater benefit.

No, I don’t have to take responsibility for everything, but if I’m going to see something as a problem, I don’t blame someone for it, I take responsibility and take the opportunity to solve the problem. This also means if I’m not willing to take responsibility to rectify a problem, I have no business complaining about it or blaming someone else for it. This is liberating and humbling. I catch myself violating responsibility far too often. I complain about things, but if someone says something to me, my thought is, “I don’t want to pursue this.” That’s a clue that I’m not willing to accept responsibility for something, and I need to shut up about it and focus on things I AM willing to accept responsibility for.

Defenselessness. Today my awareness remains established in Defenselessness. I relinquish the need to defend my point of view. I feel no need to convince or persuade others to accept my point of view and am not rigidly attached to any one of them.

If I ever find myself getting upset about something, when I examine the situation, I realize I’ve forgotten to practice defenselessness.

Applying the Law of Least Effort means living each day with Acceptance, Responsibility, and Defenselessness.

When I do this, I’m in the flow. Things are effortless. I’m not fighting and feeling much more positive. I’m working on things I can affect. I’m not frustrated by things I have no control over. This is an important piece of the MKE.

Week 2-23 – Money

You might think Week 23 is about money, but it’s really about having a receptive attitude. Most people who feel they don’t have enough money focus on the negative aspects of the lack of money and the resulting fear of not having enough. This becomes a self-fulfilling prophesy. Paragraph 2 sums it up thusly: “Fear is just the opposite from money consciousness; it is poverty consciousness, and as the law is unchangeable we get exactly what we give; if we fear we get what we feared.”

I’ve been fortunate enough somehow in my life before coming to the Master Key Experience to have found a way to have enough money. I’m not exactly a whiz at this, so I know other people can do this, too. But the truly abundant part of money has eluded me, and I believe Paragraph 3 sheds light on this matter.

We make money by making friends, and we enlarge our circle of friends by making money for them, by helping them, by being of service to them.

Paragraphs 4 and 5 tell a little more about how to do this:

4. The forces of life are volatile; they are composed of our thoughts and ideals and these in turn are molded into form; our problem is to keep an open mind, to constantly reach out for the new, to recognize opportunity, to be interested in the race rather than the goal, for the pleasure is in the pursuit rather than the possession.

5. You can make a money magnet of yourself, but to do so you must first consider how you can make money for other people. If you have the necessary insight to perceive and utilize opportunities and favorable conditions and recognize values, you can put yourself in position to take advantage of them, but your greatest success will come as you are enabled to assist others. What benefits one must benefit all.

This is the crux of my challenge. Enlarging my circle of friends when I’m an off the charts introvert, and helping those friends make money. I have the vehicle for this. In fact, I have multiple vehicles for this. If my friends don’t like the vehicle I have to offer, I can connect them with other friends who may offer a vehicle more to their liking.

My vehicle? Young Living Essential Oils — achieve balance in your body and your home by eliminating toxic chemicals and replacing them with natural oil-based products. If you want to do more than take care of yourself and your family, you can supplement your current income or make a living through this vehicle. I’ll be happy to share more. The link above is to my educational website about both the products and business. Want to know why I chose this? Check out Young Living’s Seed to Seal site. They lay it out there. Want to be your own best customer, a regular retail customer, or begin working this business? Start here.

Not your cup of tea? I have friends doing nutritional coaching, Genesis Pure, Tupperware, Tastefully Simple, Avon, various clothing and other accessory items. Seriously, if there’s something you’re passionate about, someone has a network marketing implementation for it. I support my author friends by purchasing their books or spreading the word to others who may be interested. Maybe you have friends of your own involved in these businesses, and you’d like to work with them. Ask them to get involved. They’ll be more than happy to share.

I’m certain I can and should do more. Paragraph 9 reminds me creative thinking requires attention. Paragraph 10 goes into more detail.

10. The power of attention is called concentration; this power is directed by the will; for this reason we must refuse to concentrate or think of anything except the things we desire. Many are constantly concentrating upon sorrow, loss and discord of every kind; as thought is creative it necessarily follows that this concentration inevitable leads to more loss, more sorrow and more discord. How could it be otherwise? On the other hand, when we meet with success, gain, or any other desirable condition, we naturally concentrate upon the effects of these things and thereby create more, and so it follows that much leads to more.

What are you paying attention to? Once again, I’m reminded to pay attention to what I desire. What I think about grows. What I forget atrophies. Without exception. I can instantly replace a negative thought with a positive one. I practice this daily, and my subconscious works 24-7 to make it a reality. With a little attention, this becomes effortless. Amazing.

Week 2-22A – Silence Prep

The class has been discussing emotions as tools — the positive aspects of fear and anger and other notorious “negative” emotions. It’s also been “silence” week. I know that was a shocker for me last year, but I have it planned this year — just not when the class is doing it.

In May, I’m taking a cruise to Alaska by myself. My whole intention is to embrace Silence at certain times, do some creative work at other times, and, of course, to check off the final state of the fifty US states for visiting. I was tempted to skip all the shore excursions and remain on the boat, but that would defeat the purpose of visiting Alaska, wouldn’t it?

Since I’m not likely to get back there, I scheduled shore excursions for all but one stop. I’m going to wing it on the one stop and see how that goes. I imagine I’ll meet people on the cruise. I may strike up conversations and it’s feasible I could make friend or two. Or, maybe I wind up embracing the Silence as I savor the trip. Either way, I’m looking forward to it.

Week 2-22 – Nutritive Properties

The part of this week’s lesson that caught my eye was in the lesson intro about nutritive properties.

The life processes are carried on by two distinct methods; first, the taking up and making use of nutritive material necessary for constructing cells; second, breaking down and excreting the waste material.

For the last year and a half, I’ve been learning about essential oils. I have a lot of other things going on, so the process has proceeded by fits and starts. The thing I find most fascinating about essential oils is the chemistry and physics behind them. I’m not a chemist or a physicist, but I’ve had enough classes in both subjects to understand their criticality to how the human body works. In fact, I think quantum physics will be the area where our greatest breakthroughs will be in the near future.

Essential oils affect different people differently. One person may achieve a healthy balance with one combination, while another person achieves a healthy balance with a completely different or slightly altered combination. That’s because the deficiency that’s being balanced is likely different for two different people.

Because of this, I’m researching and experimenting with oils that might work to support areas where I feel I’m deficient. For instance, late last year, I began experiencing terrible tingling in my hands. I figured a nerve was being pinched somewhere in my shoulder while I was sleeping, but that and the tingling indicated to me I might benefit from oils that are known to support neurological systems. There are a number of them, but Young Living has supplements called Sulfurzyme, Super B, and Super C as well as OmegaGize, which are all purported to help support neurological systems — along with several other systems.

I was already taking OmegaGize (fish oil) to help with cardiovascular support. I had also recently began taking Sulfurzyme to support strong fingernails. I thought I was getting enough B vitamins in my morning multivitamin, but maybe not, so I started taking Super B at night. When I noticed my reference guide suggested Super C might work synergistically with the others, I added that to the routine. After a couple of months, I have noticed I am not bothered nearly as much by the tingling in my hands as I had been. I think that routine has assisted with balancing my neurological system to the point where I may need to do just a little more tweaking, but I firmly believe I found the right nutritive material to achieve more optimal cellular construction.

Like the MKE, this is a lifelong journey, and I’m happy I’m making positive progress in creating harmony within my body.

I’m late to post this week. It happens once in a while. I almost forgot to get it in tonight, but I checked a friend’s blog and remembered I needed to do mine!

Week 2-21 – How To Pray

This week we learn if prayer has ever been answered, it is always answered. Unfortunately, too many people do not know how to pray. Just like there are physical laws, there are also spiritual laws.

The power of prayer is not in its fleetingness. It’s in our posture of constant prayer.  Let’s look at paragraphs 10-12 from this week’s lesson:

10. From this science we learn that every thought creates an impression on the brain, that these impressions create mental tendencies, and these tendencies create character, ability and purpose, and that the combined action of character, ability and purpose determines the experiences with which we shall meet in life.

11. These experiences come to us through the Law of Attraction; through the action of this law we meet in the world without the experiences which correspond to our world within.

12. The predominant thought or the mental attitude is the magnet, and the law is that “like attracts like”, consequently the mental attitude will invariably attract such conditions as correspond to its nature.

We are constantly practicing the Law of Attraction. As we remain focused upon that which we want most, the tendency is to imprint it upon our brain, and that constant imprint adjusts our tendencies.

What we think about grows. Our subconscious works 24/7 to manifest what we plant. What we practice daily allows us to perform amazingly because of practice. Our relaxed, calm state of mind helps us access infinite intelligence. We can instantly replace a negative thought with a positive thought. We can attach any feeling we desire to any thought. We forgive everyone. This brings us to paragraph 27 of this week’s lesson:

27. The Divine Mind is the Universal Mind; it makes no exceptions, it plays no favorites; it does not act through sheer caprice or from anger, jealousy or wrath; neither can it be flattered, cajoled or moved by sympathy or petition to supply man with some need which he thinks necessary for his happiness or even his existence. The Divine Mind makes no exceptions to favor any individual; but when the individual understands and realizes his Unity with the Universal principle he will appear to be favored because he will have found the source of all health, all wealth, and all power.

Prayer is not a casual, fleeting thing. Build it into your thoughts. Imprint it onto your mind. Weave it into the fabric of your soul. You’ve realized the power of prayer from casual, fleeting prayers. Now. Imagine the power of concentrated prayer. Focus your power wisely.

Week 2-20 – Thinking and College

This week, we begin to catch a glimpse of where that idea that thinking and college was the path to success and power. Look at paragraphs 4 and 5 for this week.

4. Thinking is the true business of life, power is the result. You are at all times dealing with the magical power of thought and consciousness. What results can you expect so long as you remain oblivious to the power which has been placed within your control?

5. So long as you do this you limit yourself to superficial conditions, and make of yourself a beast of burden for those who think; those who recognize their power; those who know that unless we are willing to think we shall have to work, and the less we think the more we shall have to work, and the less we shall get for our work.

That final phrase seems to support getting a college education so you can think and not have to work; however, it’s incomplete and out of context. If colleges taught the kind of thinking we’re learning in this course, the theory that getting a college education was the secret to success might hold some water.

I have done post-Master’s work, but the older I get and the more experienced I become, the less respect I have for a college education as an indicator of someone’s likelihood of success in any particular endeavor. A college education has become merely an indicator that someone could be a good worker. The diploma means they showed up within a prescribed number of times and turned a prescribed amount of work in for evaluation and did so in a manner that earned a satisfactory assessment. This tells employers the job candidate might be counted upon to show up for work on a regular basis and complete assignments to company standards in exchange for a paycheck.

There’s no indication that the person will be innovative, resourceful, or demonstrate initiative. And for the vast majority of companies, they are just fine with that. Go back to paragraph 4. Has anyone who has taken college-level coursework been challenged to achieve anything in paragraph 4? I wasn’t.  No, without learning paragraph 4, the value of college education that paragraph 5 would seem to encourage will not appear. Most of today’s college graduates are glorified ditch-diggers who rarely have to muddy their hands or clothes.

No, the true power of thought can be employed with, dare I say it? I will. An elementary school education. If we would teach these principles to children that young — and I’m saying we should.

I’m not saying formal education should cease after elementary school, but I believe if we taught children these principles are part of their reading, writing, and arithmetic basics, they would fare more favorably with the subsequent formal education they did receive — whether if was academic or trade-related.

I’m always encouraged on the webcasts when I hear about parents employing what they’ve learned with their children. I’m thrilled when I see high school-aged participants engaging in the course. Teach children to think and engage the Silence. They will emerge with Power and make the world a better place, one mind at a time.