Week 2-19 – Thought

I’d like to examine paragraph 24 from this week’s lesson material, focusing on thought:

24. Thought is the vital force or energy which is being developed and which has produced such startling results in the last half century as to bring about a world which would be absolutely inconceivable to a man existing only 50 or 25 years ago. If such results have been secured by organizing these mental powerhouses in 50 years, what may not be expected in another 50 years?

Many things came into play to bring about the physical changes we have seen in our world over the last 25-50 years, but this book was written nearly 100 years ago, and the statement was just as true then as it is today.

Most of you reading this can remember a world without cell phones or Twitter or Facebook or the internet, but you have to think hard about how we managed to do the things we did. Despite all that, each material thing in the world today originated with a thought. Someone had to first imagine the item and then puzzle out how to create the physical item.

So, the key to everything lies in the power of thought. Anyone from any economic situation can think. The introduction to this lesson opens by saying,

Fear is a powerful form of thought. It paralyzes the nerve centers, thus affecting the circulation of the blood. This, in turn, paralyzes the muscular system, so that fear affects the entire being, body, brain and nerve, physical, mental, and muscular. Of course, the way to overcome fear is to become conscious of power.

If the key to everything is the power of thought, use thought to overcome fear. Use thought to focus on the power of good. The power of truth. The power of positive in our world. Collectively, with our thoughts and the actions that result from them, we can each be a positive force for a positive world.

Week 2-18 – Is This Your Last Day?

Is today your last day? You probably don’t like to think about that, but you simply don’t know. This month, we’re focusing on living our lives as if each day is our last day. And if it isn’t? I shall fall to my knees and give thanks.

To live life to the fullest, you want to know what matters most to you. What matters most to me? Harmony, True Health, Writing, Cats, Travel, and Prioritization. These are the areas where I spend my time.

Week 2-17HJ – Conceived in Love

Last year, I transferred the phrase, “Nature knows not defeat” forward. This year, I’m transferring, “I was conceived in love and brought forth with a purpose.” I was liking, “I’ve been given eyes to see and a mind to think and now I know a great secret of life for I perceive, at last, that all my problems, discouragements, and heartaches are, in truth, great opportunities in disguise.” I still love that, because, isn’t it the truth? Everything that’s happened in my life up to now has prepared me for whatever is waiting around the next bend in life. I love that phrase.

I almost transferred it forward, but I decided I want to focus on being conceived in love and my life having a purpose. Honestly, I’m not completely sure what that purpose is. I trust God knows. The Universal Mind knows. I trust.

Week 2-17: Concentrate on What You Want

This week seems like a good time to remind ourselves we each need to concentrate on what you want. Eradicate the thinking about what we don’t want. As MasterKeys Lesson 17 says, ” If you wish to eliminate fear, concentrate on courage. If you wish to eliminate lack, concentrate on abundance. If you wish to eliminate sickness, concentrate on health.”

Always concentrate on the idea as an already existing fact. Using this, we need to consider our country is a united, peaceful nation, filled with love and caring. We need to look for and delight in those examples as we find them. There are plenty of examples. Flood the internet with them as they are discovered.

I had an appointment with my surgeon last Friday. I needed to check on a loud crack I’d heard from my knee (both my knees have been replaced) the previous Saturday. Before going, I applied a few drops of Clarity essential oil behind my ears. I wanted clarity in whatever he was going to diagnose, so the oil helped with that. That crack I heard was my kneecap cracking. I’m in an immobilizer brace for the next few weeks at least to allow the kneecap to heal. Can’t get much more clarity than that. I’m focusing on True Health, and it’s all coming together, slowly but surely. This does slow down my yoga participation, though. Grin.

Week 2-16 – Cycle of Sevens

I noticed this when I read this lesson last year. I thought about it, but it didn’t resonate with me the way it does this year. I’m 56 going on 57, so I’m in my 8th Cycle of Sevens for my life. I have a comfortableness with where I am. I’m a work in progress, but I’m okay with where I’m at. I’m at peace with the journey for now.

I’m reminded there are people who think the world is entering it’s Seventh Period, so there is much adjustment, reconstruction, and harmony. We are certainly in a period of adjustment — that’s been going on for probably the last sixteen to twenty years if not longer. Perhaps our world’s blueprint is changing. As witnessed, change is challenging, but imagine how much more challenging it is when millions of people are trying to hammer out a DMP for the world?

But it comes down to our personal lives, getting ourselves settled with the Universal Mind, and the rest will come together in due time. My Mastermind Partner and I continue to work together, supporting one another. We’re each tailoring what we’ve learned (and continue to learn) to fit our lives and our DMPs. We each seem them manifesting, sometimes deliberately, and sometimes inexplicably, but it’s all toward an future us we’ve envisioned. It’s exciting, satisfying, and mystifying.

Week 2-15 – I See What I Look For

We’re beginning the Franklin Makeover this week. This exercise is wonderful for proving that in all situations I see what I look for. The easiest example of this is cars. After I get a new car, I find myself noticing other cars like mine on the road. Those cars were always there, but I never noticed them until I got one, and it occupied a greater place in my attention. (Possible exception: Lamborghinis outside of the LA area — I know if I got one, I would not see more of them on the road in my little Central Texas town — but I would notice them more when they were there.)

In today’s world, this is more important than ever. Do I think there’s more division and strife in the world? It’s easy to find. Especially when I believe it’s there. But guess what? There’s a whole lot of good in the world, too. Look for it. Seek it. Comment on it when I see it. People say kids are up to no good, but if I go looking for all the good, hard-working kids out there playing by the rules doing what they should do, they’re there, too. Look for them. Notice them. Remark on how many great young people there are in the world today.

I was in an elevator with my mom a few years ago. The elevator had two posters. One with a little kid, and one with a puppy. My mom oohed and ahhed over the little kid. I melted for the puppy. I’m wired differently. I see a family together in the park, and even though I grew up in a family, I cannot fathom being in a household with all those people raising kids and doing what you have to do to help them become the responsible next generation for this world. I’m a little better at it now than I was ten years ago. You won’t believe how I got that way. Six and a half years ago, we fostered a stray cat who turned out to be pregnant. We kept her in the house. We made sure she got good food, clean water, and veterinary care. We did what we could to help her have healthy kittens. I was there when she gave birth to those four kittens. At that point, I began to get just an inkling of what human moms might feel for their human babies, but I have to do it through the filter of those kittens.

I have to get better though, because the Blueprint Builder, paragraph five says I must “develop a love for all humanity, because I know a negative attitude toward others can never bring me success.” Paragraph five has some challenging areas, and, for me, this is one. I’m getting better. I have a long way to go. I need to actively look for what I’m seeking. It’s there.