Year 4, Week 1: So Fresh!

This is always an exciting time in MKE. My first year, this week was very stressful. We take an annual trip every October, and I was very concerned that the trip requirements would result in me being booted from the course before I even began.

I look back on that week and laugh now. Yes, it’s important to be there live if at all possible for the sessions on Sunday. But everyone does understand that sometimes, you have to catch it on the replay. My concern was that I was traveling for the first three weeks of the course and that maybe that wouldn’t be understood. Needless to say, it all worked out, the MasterKey Experience was amazing — but not always pleasant. In fact, I had quite a fight with myself that first year, but I had decided early on to trust the process, and it paid off. There were so many sessions where I was reading my DMP and my Subby was arguing with me the whole time about how this wasn’t going to work, but I persisted (that’s for another month, but it’s still true). Subby still argues, but Subby knows this works.

This part of the Workbook inspires me today, and I will offer if you are new to the program, that this is all worth taking to heart — especially #1.

Key Thoughts and Reminders

  1. This MKMMA course is a process of authentic self-discovery. Self-action will bring success. Our objective is to NOT influence you.
  2. Winners don’t make commitments they don’t plan to keep and keep the commitments they make.
  3. Stay loyal to the exercises.
  4. Notice when your resist – that is the subconscious running your Old Blueprint.
  5. The last hour of each day is crucial. Keep it Sacred.
    1. Whatever you set in motion, continues in motion.
    2. “Scroll 1” makes this same point.
    3. This Habit is the foundation of new blueprints.
  6. No TV, DVDs after reading before bed.
  7. Dig in, dig deep and push yourself to “Do it now.”

Today, I begin a new life. I’m so excited! I have revamped my DMP, and I’m set up for a wild ride. I can’t wait to let Subby go to work!

Year 4 Prep

I’ve decided to audit again this year. This means I’ll be following along with the class, but I may or may not do everything the class does. This is the fourth year for me, and it’s a lifelong journey.

I’m preparing to take another look at my DMP.

I’m looking forward to re-implementing a few basic skills that I’ve allowed to slide.


Are you Ready for Master Key Experience 2018?

Lots and lots of people are seeking the path for their life. They know something isn’t quite right. They may already be involved in a church community (good), and they may be looking into a lot of home-based improvement programs. Those can be good (or not), but they almost all cost a small fortune. Even if you have the money, you don’t want to keep spending it to line these guys’ pockets. At least I don’t.

You know the drill. The three video pitch to lead you to the conclusion you need their product. You click to finally find out the price. You cringe. You wince. You click the button, and yep, another $1500 – 2500. What is it with these people?

If you’ve been following along with me for years, and I know you have been, you know I tout the Master Key Experience around this time every year. Three years ago, I skeptically took a chance on it. I didn’t like that Mark J guy doing the videos on the Hawaiian coastline, always talking about living his dream in Hawaii. I reminded myself, that was HIS dream, not mine, and yeah, it’s cool that he gets to live his dream. I’m living my dream in Central Texas. Give him a pass.

He said it would be hard. He said don’t bother to sign up if you’re not going to do it. He said it was a Pay-It-Forward scholarship paid for by the previous class, so there was no cost. I was suspicious of that one. I KNEW there was going to be a cost, but they wouldn’t talk about it. The only upfront cost was the $1 application fee. But it bugged me. I knew money would come to play, and would I want to afford it when it did.

Let me alleviate your concerns (if you’re like me, you have them). Yes, after about 30 days you will vote on whether to continue the Pay-It-Forward Scholarship or convert the course to a set fee (in the same price range as indicated above, but it will remain free for you,since your scholarship was paid for). If you vote to continue to the Pay-It-Forward Scholarship, you’ll be asked to make some number of payments over the remainder of the course time. There are typically three payment tiers you can choose to make, the lowest is between $70-80. So for five or six payments, you can calculate the least the course will cost you to pay forward for someone else — like someone else did for you last year. I’m sure there’s a reason they’re quiet about these numbers, and these numbers may be different for this year’s class, but I can’t in good conscience recommend the course without mentioning it.

The beauty is, most classes offer a 30-day money back guarantee, but you have to pay money to get money back, and that’s a huge hassle. For this class, you get 30 days into it BEFORE they ask you for any money. You KNOW if you want to continue before you’re asked to pay anything. This is a win for you and a win for them (they don’t have to handle refunds, because there’s nothing to refund).

Since I’ve taken this course, I’ve heard friends recommend so many things that cost from $10 to thousands of dollars, but most of what I’ve seen is encapsulated in the MasterKey Experience for a fraction of the overall cost of the big guys. If you want to determine the path for your life to take from here, start with this course and add other materials later if you want. You will be challenged, but YOU choose your path. You determine what you want from the course. In the beginning, trust the process. It seems a little strange, but you will get results.

Interested? Curious? Get on the Early Notification list to be kept informed. It’s a six-month course beginning September 23, 2018. Click here for a summary and to add yourself to the mailing list for early notification.

Summer Update

A week ago, I attended a conference titled Life Illuminated. The schedule included a powerhouse of speakers from the world of conscious language and the world of emotional clearing with essential oils.

A friend introduced me to Dr. Carolyn Mein prior to conference start, and that began a day of discovery and wonder. Robert Tennyson Stevens spoke first, and his methodology aligns completely with why we speak very specifically to Subby.

Dr. Mein walked us through the process of using her technique to clear emotional issues, and Dr. Benjamin Perkus walked us through the Aroma Freedom Technique after lunch.

We had several other speakers as well, but these three had the greatest immediate impact on me.

I began writing significant updates to my DMP as a result of what I learned, and the language is far more specific than in my current DMP.

Exciting stuff.


Year 3, Week 24: I Master My Emotions

Our scroll this month talks about mastering our emotions. We are reminded that we’re on a constantly changing landscape when it comes to emotions. This is entirely normal, but if we don’t control the “weather” of our emotions, it affects those around us.

In the “greatest salesman” world, when we are thundery, blustery, and negative, our customers are too. If we’re bright and cheery and positive, our customers will be too.

I have a choice. I’m generally choosing a more positive approach. I do have ups and downs, but I’m working to get them to the positive side of the undulation.

Year 3, Week 23: Hosting Updates

I got to practice patience this week. I needed to change the primary domain on my hosting account. I knew it was likely to induce complications, so I planned time this week to do it. It affected about half of my sites. This was one of the affected sites.

If you tried to stop in over the last couple days, I have no idea what you saw, but I’m quite certain it wasn’t this site. I’m not quite sure what I did to fix things, but it appears to be operational again, so welcome back.

Year 3, Week 22: Increase Your Rate of Vibration

This week in paragraphs 17-23, Haanel speaks of the healing power of increasing your rate of vibration.

17. Brain cells are constructed in the same way. The quality of the brain is governed by the state of mind, or mental attitude, so that if undesirable mental attitudes are conveyed to the subjective they will in turn be transferred to the body; we can therefore readily see that if we wish the body to manifest health, strength and vitality this must be the predominant thought.

18. We know then that every element of the human body is the result of a rate of vibration. 19. We know that mental action is a rate of vibration.

20. We know that a higher rate of vibration governs, modifies, controls, changes, or destroys a lower rate of vibration.

21. We know that the rate of vibration is governed by the character of brain cells, and finally, 22. We know how to create these brain cells; therefore,

23. We know how to make any physical change in the body we desire, and having secured a working knowledge of the power of mind to this extent, we have come to know that there is practically no limitation which can be placed upon our ability to place ourselves in harmony with natural law, which is omnipotent.


I read an interesting book recently with a fascinating premise — essentially that we can heal ourselves with our thoughts. But with Haanel’s lesson in mind, that’s still fascinating, but it’s not surprising, is it?

The book title is HEAL YOUR BODY by Louise Hay.

There isn’t much to read. There’s a large chart with ailments, probable causes, and healing affirmations. I went through the chart for everything I’ve experienced in my lifetime (that I can recall) and copied the affirmation to 3×5 cards.

The interesting thing I noticed is the affirmations fit for long-cleared issues. I also noticed some affirmations elicited a visceral response. What’s also interesting is I’ve noticed that response diminishing as I’ve continued to read the affirmations. So, positive affirmations should raise your body frequency, resulting in greater overall health.

No matter what your issues are, this approach cannot hurt to try. (Please continue all recommended medical treatment as appropriate.)

If you decide to try, please let me know how it goes. I’m very interested in this kind of thing.

Year 3, Week 21: What Am I Attracting?

This week we’re looking at the Law of Attraction. Haanel, Lesson 21, paragraphs 11-15 teaches us how we use this law.

11. These experiences come to us through the Law of Attraction; through the action of this law we meet in the world without the experiences which correspond to our world within.

12. The predominant thought or the mental attitude is the magnet, and the law is that “like attracts like”, consequently the mental attitude will invariably attract such conditions as correspond to its nature.

13. This mental attitude is our personality and is composed of the thoughts which we have been creating in our own mind; therefore, if we wish a change in conditions all that is necessary is to change our thought; this will in turn change our mental attitude, which will in turn change our personality, which will in turn change the persons, things and conditions, or, the experiences with which we meet in life.

14. It is, however, no easy matter to change the mental attitude, but by persistent effort it may be accomplished; the mental attitude is patterned after the mental pictures which have been photographed on the brain; if you do not like the pictures, destroy the negatives and create new pictures; this is the art of visualization.

15. As soon as you have done this you will begin to attract new things, and the new things will correspond to the new pictures. To do this: impress on the mind a perfect picture of the desire which you wish to have objectified and continue to hold the picture in mind until results are obtained.

That’s the secret. We are what we think, and like attracts like. Yes, our personality may be a certain way, but this lesson teaches us how to change our personality. It makes no bones about how challenging this process is, but each of us can do it when we are so inclined.

Year 3, Week 20: Only in the Silence

We’re making great progress in the course. First-timers are starting to see the power of their progressions and the tools at their disposal. Many are learning the power is within themselves to conceive, believe, and achieve what they want most in life.

This week’s lesson reminds us of this. Paragraph 9 in particular:

9. But perception will come only in the Silence; this seems to be the condition required for all great purposes. You are a visualizing entity. Imagination is your workshop. It is here that your ideal is to be visualized.

It comes back to the Silence. Our visualization skills. Our imaginations.

I just completed the 14-day Detox OOLA Tea challenge, and through that process and other things happening, I’m beginning to realize I haven’t been dreaming big enough. I’ve been hearing this for some time, but life is making me realize my dreams have not been large enough. While there are many things I can do, there are more I cannot. I have the vehicle to fix this, but it begins in my mind. I visualized some possibilities a few months ago, but I left them sitting there. Since then, the universe has been conspiring to make me realize they are important enough to do the work for them. Time to spend some time in my workshop.