We started Scroll Two yesterday, and I remembered a struggle that I must overcome. Even Jesus commands that “the greatest of these is love,” yet I struggle with the concept of love for all.
And why should I struggle with this? In theory, it’s simple. Love everybody. But somewhere, the concept of love got wrapped up in something more complex, and now I have struggled with the basic tenet of love for all.
What are some ways I can overcome this?
Apply the Law of Dual Thought: I can apply any feeling to any thought. Love is love. Nothing more. Nothing less.
I can apply the Law of Practice: Practice makes perfect, and I can practice loving people (as taught in scroll two — silently thinking “I love you” to every person I encounter.
Law of Subconscious: Once I get the concept into my subby, subby will work to make it a reality
and finally, the Law of Growth: Whatever I think about grows, so I when I think, “I love you” for every person I encounter, that becomes the predominant view I begin to hold, and it becomes a new habit, and since it’s a good habit, this is a good thing.