I’ve come to realize I’m in a personally vulnerable place in my life, and I will be for the near future. I’m grateful for friends who are looking out for me and providing me safe spaces as I continue to grieve the loss of my husband and find my way forward in this next chapter of my life.
Category: MasterKey Experience
MKE Week 10 – Sit Results
I was driving this week, and, well, that’s a lot of sitting. One thing I’ve been struggling with is frustration and the repetitive questions I get for our non-profit. I finally realized, these questions keep coming up because this is an area I need to improve my mental attitude about (yes, I know the questions will continue even when I get my attitude improved, but I won’t be as bothered by them).
I’ve achieved or received everything I’ve ever wanted in life, and now it’s time for me to help other people get what they need (at least in the channels I enrich). So I have decided to be grateful for these questions, and answer them with a loving heart.
MKE Week 9 – Whole Perfect…
Our Master Key phrase from this week made a huge difference for me back in 2015 when I was taking this course for the first time. I experienced a terrible attack of sciatica. Anyone who has ever experienced this pain knows how bad it is. I retreated to bed and resorted to repeating “I am whole, perfect, strong, loving, harmonious, and happy” over and over again. After some unknown amount of time, the pain subsided and was replaced with a light tingly numbness in my foot that has remained since then. I will take that tingly numbness over the full sciatica pain anyday.
MKE Week 8 – Got a Little Behind
Week 8 was a busy week involving travel and a full schedule. Good thing I’m auditing or consequences might have been tough. I’m late for week 9, too, but I’m continuing to work behind the scenes.
MKE Week 7 – Internalizing Love in My Heart
I’ve made significant progress internalizing “love in my heart” this week. I’ve long recognized my difficulty doing this has contributed significantly to many recurring problems I have experienced across all aspects of my life.
I made limited progress in my marriage before my husband passed away earlier this year (regretfully, not as much as would have been ideal); however, I’ve seen more clearly in the last two weeks how establishing the habit of “silently saying I love you to each person I encounter” makes a dramatic different in my responses to people.
MKE Week 6 – Love in My Heart
We started Scroll Two yesterday, and I remembered a struggle that I must overcome. Even Jesus commands that “the greatest of these is love,” yet I struggle with the concept of love for all.
And why should I struggle with this? In theory, it’s simple. Love everybody. But somewhere, the concept of love got wrapped up in something more complex, and now I have struggled with the basic tenet of love for all.
What are some ways I can overcome this?
Apply the Law of Dual Thought: I can apply any feeling to any thought. Love is love. Nothing more. Nothing less.
I can apply the Law of Practice: Practice makes perfect, and I can practice loving people (as taught in scroll two — silently thinking “I love you” to every person I encounter.
Law of Subconscious: Once I get the concept into my subby, subby will work to make it a reality
and finally, the Law of Growth: Whatever I think about grows, so I when I think, “I love you” for every person I encounter, that becomes the predominant view I begin to hold, and it becomes a new habit, and since it’s a good habit, this is a good thing.
MKE Week 5: Press Release
Place holder.
MKE Week 4 – Directing Subby
Week 4 is a pivotal week. We begin realizing how to impact our subconscious mind to begin creating the life we want most. Or at least, we begin to realize we have a greater say in what happens in our life than we were led to believe.
MKE Week 3: Of Two Minds
This week we pondered the conscious and subconscious mind and how they interact. The subconscious mind is very protected by our biology. This makes perfect sense when we consider it controls our autonomous bodily functions. However, what we tend to either not realize or ignore is the way the subconscious mind works to fulfill what our conscious mind tells it — no matter what that is.
Think the world is a lousy place? The subconscious works extra hard to make that a reality. Think the world is a wonderful place? The subconcious works extra hard to make that a reality.
What we think matters. What we tell ourselves matters. What do you want your world to look like? Better is better, and you can make it terrific.
MKE Week 2 – The Dirty Dozen
As I was reading this week, I realized the process we are using is similar to the process used in the movie, The Dirty Dozen, as Lee Marvin’s character was preparing his misfit team to invade the Nazi headquarters building. Through repetition of many small tasks added together, the team was able to internalize their mission, helping them to execute effectively.
Repeated practice helps us improve our skills until the point where they can be executed nearly effortlessly. I try to remind myself this as I try to learn Spanish. Too often it seems I’m struggling to pick up basic skills, but over time, I am retaining some things.