Press Release

Fluffy Malone, Paws Press

Posted: Thursday, October 30, 2025

orange tabby cat
Fluffy Malone, Noted Reporter

The reclusive JeanS consented to an interview on condition I not reveal her last name or her likeness. Normally, I would not agree; however, I pursued this interview for nearly a decade. I was not going to let those conditions deter me. Besides, she brought me a handmade toy, which I graciously accepted, refraining from enjoying it until the interview was complete.

Surprisingly understated, dressed in the San Antonio Spurs latest championship polo and contrasting slacks, Jean arrived punctually for our interview at The Cat’s Meow, an exclusive local eatery. She chose only an aromatic herbal tea.

Immediately dismissing all discussion about her ranch (which she reminded me they had sold), 1900 Victorian mansion, and three commercial properties, she insisted that while she initially believed some people seemed to participate in the Master Key Mastermind Alliance to achieve material things, she and her husband had all these things prior to her participation. Intrigued, I ask what she needed.

“I needed what money couldn’t buy. ”

I asked her what she meant, and she paused to compose her answer. I wasn’t disappointed.

The key, she said, was to greet each day with love in her heart. She then revealed that while she had all the material things she needed, and more, she had had a contentious relationship with her husband, she was procrastinating with her writing, and she had, through the years, become more than 100 pounds overweight, and her health was suffering because of it.

Realizing she was the problem, she decided to act. She knew she needed to reprogram her subconscious mind to return to regarding her husband as the multi-talented, generous, loving man she married.

She knew she needed to focus on her fiction and begin producing fiction worthy of her readers. And lastly, she knew her effort to lose excess weight was hampered by her mental outlook, which contributed to her not making healthy choices at all times. In Master Key Mastermind Alliance, she saw a clear avenue to address all those concerns in her life. She proudly reports she DID IT!

But how? She maintains it’s all in the messages we allow into our lives. “If you had a parent who restricted what you saw on television or at the movies or who ensured you received spiritual guidance in your youth” she said, “they served as the ‘Guardian at the Gate’ of your mind.” She continued, “As an adult, we become our own “Guardian at the Gate” to our minds.”

She told me what goes into our minds does matter. She recognized a lot of the Master Key training, so she had received many of the pieces throughout her life but  had not effectively put them into practice. The Master Key Mastermind Alliance helped her put those pieces together and functionally reprogram her subconscious mind to do what she needed to do to achieve the most important things in her life, restoring not only her attitude about her husband from more than twenty years ago, but an attitude about herself she doesn’t think she ever had.

I asked Jean if she thought I might benefit from the program. She smiled at me, asking if I was satisfied with where I was taking my life.

I’m glad she brought me the toy. I’ll be contemplating that question while I enjoy it.

5 thoughts on “Press Release”

  1. Sad to say, it’s taken me all this time to find my way around to reading some worthy content – such as this. Lovely interview. Love your sense of humor, and your courage in revealing yourself.

  2. You are so right. Regardless of the material things we have, if we are not happy in life or with ourselves, this by far is the greatest program available to recreating our lives to be who we truly are.
    Thank you for sharing and I hope you got everything you wanted from your press release. Peace be with you.

    1. Hi, Terry. Thank you. Some things are in the process of changing on this, but the foundation remains the same. Each year, I review this Press Release to see if it needs updating, and I have changed a word or two here and there, but, so far, I’ve decided to keep it the same. My DMP has changed significantly since the program began. I’ve manifested some pieces and decided some others weren’t important anymore. I’m in the process of making a bigger vision, so the DMP will undergo more changes soon.

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