Day 4: Something Green
For those of you in the Northern climes, these green items are called “grasses.” Well, I call two of them weeds, but you should get the idea. In January and February in the South, weeds abound. This year is no exception.
Here are a few of the items of greenery in my front yard — there are many more.
These grasses are growing prolifically in a landscaping island. Usually, I weedeat them down to nubs or very low to the ground. Over the winter and with the recent rains, they are thriving.
So, unfortunately, are these no so little friends:
A variant of dandelion, these are extremely healthy in the winter months, and they keep me busy digging.
Now this next picture, we have far too little of, and it’s the grass we’re trying to get to cover the entire lawn — St Augustine. The drought for the last two years has resulted in a drastic net loss:
With the milder winter, maybe I can encourage more growth of our “good” St. Augustine.