Day 30: What Have I Learned in the Last 30 Days
This is the last post in this series, and I’m supposed to say what I’ve learned in the last 30 days.
I learned that my mother didn’t know I considered her a superhero. I also learned that my iPod let me down when it had a chance to play some of the really good music in my collection with a really dull selection. I could have rigged it, but I wanted to play it straight.
I learned at least half the people who started this challenge didn’t finish it, or they are finishing it much more slowly than anticipated.
I was pleasantly surprised by the number of hits these entries generated. Thank you for coming, reading, and commenting. Those of you who are lurking, thank you for visiting.
Now that you’ve had an opportunity to get to know Thirty Days of Me, what would you like to see on this blog? What did you like about this series? What did you not like about it?
I learned a lot of things about my sister I didn’t previously know. Thanks for the insight!