Cat Bed or Luggage?
Some people would say this is luggage. Lady would say those people are wrong. Save
Continue reading →Some people would say this is luggage. Lady would say those people are wrong. Save
Continue reading →I didn’t know about the politics. I just know I got to play competitive basketball. And track. And softball. I didn’t know about the politics. I just know when I asked to take shop in 9th grade, the school board let me. I know I didn’t know, and I don’t … Continue reading →
Some of you may recall my Ripped from the Headlines…But When post back in October 2010. I have another installment. This time from a 4×7 card hubby found when he was sorting previous owner papers in the shop. Much of what we find is throw away or shred, but now … Continue reading →
I mentioned getting the second color coat on the front wall of the house in my last post. Here’s a picture (by the way, you can always click on the thumbnails in the post for a larger picture if you want more detail): I periodically take a shot of … Continue reading →
Paint, that is. Hubby finished the second color coat of paint on the front living room exterior wall. We’ve set up the scaffolding around the corner on the west living room exterior wall and have begun scraping and stripping paint. This is the preliminary scraping work — the loose … Continue reading →
I read a blog entry I found on Pinterest* and an essay in The Mail Online by Alice Walker’s daughter, Rebecca. It reminded me of so many things. The title of the Pinterest post is, “The Day that Ironing Changed Me” and Rebecca Walker’s essay is “How My Mother’s Fanatical … Continue reading →
This is the final challenge. I haven’t worked with this aspect of my camera, and I admit I didn’t check the book to see how to “do it right.” I wanted to experiment with different settings to see what I could get. I used “S” mode as well as EXR … Continue reading →
Welcome to another Merry Go Round Blog Tour Installment. This month we’re exploring our favorite writing places. Mostly, I write at the computer, but this year I’m focusing on revisions, and I’ve found handwriting my revision at the kitchen table to be more enjoyable than I had anticipated. Some … Continue reading →
This is the last one of these for a while. I jumped into the Way Back Machine and pulled up a photo from almost a decade ago. I had a little Logitech web cam I anticipated hubby and I might decide to use to talk live instead of over the … Continue reading →