Rescue Puma
Have you seen the GEICO commercial where the couple is trying to save money on their home security system by getting a rescue puma? Then they assure us sleep is over-rated? Well, I have a rescue puma of my own. See?
Continue reading →Have you seen the GEICO commercial where the couple is trying to save money on their home security system by getting a rescue puma? Then they assure us sleep is over-rated? Well, I have a rescue puma of my own. See?
Continue reading →This is what you waited an extra 24 hours to see; a childhood memory: What? Not what you expected, maybe? Does it evoke any memories from your childhood? Since most of my known readers are of comparable age (give or take a decade or so), I know you played outside … Continue reading →
Yes, yes. If you’re following along, you noticed I skipped Day 10. It should appear tomorrow. My childhood memory is somewhere else today, and I’ll get a picture of it tomorrow. To keep you entertained, I skipped ahead to “Something Blue.” I have many something blues. I could have chosen … Continue reading →
I’m going to borrow a photograph today. Since it’s posted on my Mom’s Facebook page, I’m going to credit mom with the photo (but my dad or someone else may have taken it): This is my Mom’s Mom. I call her my “adult” grandma. Two very special grandmothers blessed my … Continue reading →
This was so easy. Especially after yesterday, when I photographed a good habit — fresh fruit. Today’s bad habit was such a simple contrast: I have a “bad habit” of eating too much of this stuff. Those three remaining turtles immediately to the right of the M&Ms? Made by my … Continue reading →
Welcome to the February Edition of the Merry-Go-Round Blog Tour. This month we’re examining everyone’s favorite subject: Procrastination! I love procrastination. I can do it all day, every day. I make a game of it. In fact, I procrastinate about getting down to serious procrastination by tackling my To Do … Continue reading →
Today, we’re all going to get our fruit. Here’s what’s up for snacking on this week (all zero points, by the way, so I can eat as much as I want): This is pretty basic fruit, but if you’re a toddler from North Carolina who’s stuck eating state-provided food, you … Continue reading →
Today’s challenge was to photograph from a low angle. Natasha and Tarzan graciously assisted in my efforts this morning. Here are the results sort of worth posting: First, I’m on the floor looking up at my husband’s antique walnut desk. Tarzan decided to inspect the camera as I was working. … Continue reading →
Today’s challenge is to photograph from a high angle. Tarzan provided some assistance (he’s afraid to go outside, but heights are no obstacle to him) as I photographed from the top of our stairs looking down. I love the way these stairs wrap around our upstairs landing/hallway (the library) and … Continue reading →
For those of you in the Northern climes, these green items are called “grasses.” Well, I call two of them weeds, but you should get the idea. In January and February in the South, weeds abound. This year is no exception. Here are a few of the items of greenery … Continue reading →