NaNo Day 5: 8381
That’s so far. It’s early yet, but my word count is on track for the month. I’ve even found a few paragraphs where I don’t hate this story — or at least my writing of it. LOL.
Continue reading →That’s so far. It’s early yet, but my word count is on track for the month. I’ve even found a few paragraphs where I don’t hate this story — or at least my writing of it. LOL.
Continue reading →Off to a good start. 1325 words so far, and it’s early today. I’m going to have to bring my power cord to the coffee shop, though. I’m not getting as many hours as I used to from the battery. My battery is crashing fast.
Continue reading →Less than three days before NaNo kicks off. I’m trying a new genre and will be operating mostly without internet while writing for the first time. In theory, this should be a good thing, right? Less distraction. But I’ll have to “make stuff up” more often. I won’t have that … Continue reading →
I arrived safely in Wisconsin on Thursday. Dad is doing very well — the usual discomfort after having a knee replaced, but he’s at home and moving about as needed on crutches. My cellular modem stick can connect at the house (at a whopping 237k). But, since it doesn’t even … Continue reading →
In no particular order, here are some of the things I’m thinking about today. I’m wondering why I can’t find today’s front page San Antonio Express-News story about Henry Cisneros and his role in the current housing crisis on the website…. Maybe it won’t get posted until later — wait, … Continue reading →
While we were on vacation, my laptop started performing blue screen of death/reboot sequences. I ran all my standard utilities. When that didn’t work, I downloaded two freeware programs that worked wonders. Then, last night, the laptop went into auto reboot mode from the get-go. I switched off wireless, and … Continue reading →
We’re spending the night in Northern Mississippi. Tomorrow, we’ll spend our anniversary in Shreveport. Thursday, we plan to arrive home in Central Texas to download and upload stuff we need to take on to San Antonio. On Tuesday, I head out to Wisconsin to help my folks for possibly a … Continue reading →
Every once inawhile I see an ad for a book on television. I’ve also heard book advertising on Glenn Beck‘s radio program. In fact, I think I’ve heard him advertising three books at a time lately. Out of curiousity, I checked his website, and, if you scroll to the bottom … Continue reading →
We stopped in Pottsville, PA, yesterday on the way back to PA, and took a tour of the oldest and third largest brewery in the USA — Yuengling. My current favorite beer is Yuengling Black and Tan ( a 60/40 mix of Yuengling’s Porter and Premium), so after the tour, … Continue reading →
If someone left a legit comment in the last two days and it’s not posted, please re-post. I was clearing Spam from Akismet tonight, and after I hit “Delete” but before it refreshed the screen, I saw there was (1) Comment along with a bunch of Trackbacks (which is what … Continue reading →