Spurs Win! Duncan and Parker Back!
Whew. After getting off to a slow start in the first quarter, the Spurs came back and dominated the game. Despite a last ditch effort in the fourth quarter by the Jazz, the Spurs prevailed.
Continue reading →Whew. After getting off to a slow start in the first quarter, the Spurs came back and dominated the game. Despite a last ditch effort in the fourth quarter by the Jazz, the Spurs prevailed.
Continue reading →When She went to Winnipeg, She took pictures of Debbie, the Assiniboine Park Zoo’s polar bear. She’s going to be featured in this week’s lesson on FM Writers Back to School for Busy Writers Wednesday class. Access to this forum does require a no cost registration at the site .
Continue reading →I’m so very despondent. Spurs lost in double overtime to the Lakers Thursday night. Tonight, it looks like Dallas needed someone to wipe the arena floor with–in the SBC Center. But, wait! With 5:05 left in the third quarter, the Spurs are up by two! Now they’re tied. Now they’re … Continue reading →
The Spurs were leading, then the game was see-sawing. Then it was tied. Next thing I know, it’s 88-80, Final, and the Spurs lost! I get all excited and caught up on dictating a lot of action to Her, and this happens. That’s it. No more dictating this novel during … Continue reading →
A 2-1 start for the season. Go Spurs!
Continue reading →She dragged it out of me. The whole polar bear community knew about it, but I hadn’t planned on telling the human community, but the adventures I shared with Zero in Milwaukee came out yesterday. She told me it would probably be cut in the editing room, but it keeps … Continue reading →
She’s getting most things down pretty well.
Continue reading →We started “writing down the bones,” as they say, last night. I enjoyed the process much more than I thought I would, and She took dictation quite well.
Continue reading →I’ll bet you always wondered what polar bear pet peeves were, didn’t you? No? Hmm… Well, anyway. My pet peeve is people lumping us in with penguins on decorations and other human things. People have tried to tell me the people who do that know that polar bears are in … Continue reading →
Too bad. The Spurs couldn’t shake it loose in Denver. I predict this will turn around by mid-season, so I’m not going to obsess over this.
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