NaNo Day 15: 36,134/50,000
Still a little behind, but I made sure I got a few words. I’m going to have to spend some time getting words soon or I’ll get further behind than I really want to be.
Continue reading →Still a little behind, but I made sure I got a few words. I’m going to have to spend some time getting words soon or I’ll get further behind than I really want to be.
Continue reading →Since we last talked, here’s what’s been happening: – San Antonio house yard mowed and trimmed, hopefully for the last time this year, and hubby is working plumbing issues – We ran a trailer load of rocks out to the ranch this week and spread them on the road. Two … Continue reading →
I didn’t get many words today, but I did make it a point to break 35,000 cumulative words. What did I do today? Trapped a cat and took him in to be neutered, took a trailer load of rocks out to the ranch and spread them — after cutting up … Continue reading →
It’s early, and I’ve met today’s cumulative goal, so I’m shutting down for the day. 34,564 words cumulatively completed. Only 15,436 to go to “win.” In other news, I picked up a cat trap today. When I stopped at the vet, she loaned me their trap on the odd chance … Continue reading →
A good day. I started Part III. I exceeded all goals for the day, so I’m in a good spot.
Continue reading →O’er the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave. Save
Continue reading →Right on track for the day for Backwards NaNo. Did you thank a veteran for serving today? If you are a veteran, please accept my thanks for being willing to defend our country no matter when you served. I have a special fondness in my heart for Cold War Warriors.
Continue reading →My backwards NaNo cumulative goal for today was 28,157, so I’m a few hundred words behind that, but I exceeded my daily goal of 2298 by about 150 words by writing 2459 words. Tomorrow, if I remain on target, I’ll pass the 30,000 word threshold. I’ll need to get busy … Continue reading →
In talking with one of my neighbors yesterday, I learned Big Orange is, indeed, the Mama Cat to the kittens I’ve been trying to decide if I can legitimately trap and get fixed. I thought Big Orange was the Daddy Cat, because orange kitties, according to my vet, are 75% … Continue reading →
Another fairly slow day. I did pass the half-way point, and I met my NaNo minimum word count for the day. I’ve fallen about 630 words short of my Backward NaNo goal. I did get several things done around the house today, got good work done on Forward Motion’s chat … Continue reading →